Friday, April 30, 2010

End of April!

So 1 month down and 2 months to go!

These last two days have been heating and cooling guys taking out the old system and starting to install the new "cute little box". While Steve has been trying to figure out how to deal with plaster walls and I have been tediously (did I say tediously?) trying to remove wallpaper glue from the bedroom. We also tried to figure out how to get cabinets and are surprised that they do not seem as expensive as we feared. Appears that it really may not be a bad time to do work on a house. Also found a floor guy to do the floors.

All this seemed as if it would be so easy. But I kid you not, every person that comes to give us a bid for something will say, "my way is the ONLY was and anyone else is wrong!" and then the next person comes in and says the exact opposite. And then, the third guy comes in and messes it all up by suggesting a completely novel idea - and his way is the ONLY way to go, of course. So, we end up learning a helluva lot about HVAC, floor finishes, plaster walls, wallpaper, etc.

So, final note. These photos have no relevance to the current projects. Except the story about D. Appears that he is loving learning about climbing trees. The other day he was way up in a magnolia tree and, as Steve looked on, a limb broke and D started to fall upside down. A few feet from the ground his feet caught in the crook of a limb and it held him, hanging in mid-air. Steve was convinced he had broken his ankles. But, D tells this story with those mischievous eyes and seems unfazed.

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