Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So, not everything was put on hold because of the "pissed off appendix" as I was able to tell the cabinet guy the color to paint the cabinets (Marscapone) and the window guy to crawl through an unlocked window by climbing up a ladder to get into the house. I bought the appliances today with practically no research but it is a local company and they seem to know what they are talking about. The painters also came today and I scribbled some color names on a piece of paper and sent Steve off to meet with him today. By the time I looked over there again the entire house was masked and the ceiling was already painted. Those that do these things for a living that would take me so many weeks of work and heartache truly amaze me. Should have photos of some painted walls in the next few days. This photo is from the amazing peds floor playroom. First excursion.

1 comment:

  1. So so happy and thankful that Donovan is on the road to recovery! AND...the house is truly shaping up. I'm amazed at what both of you have done! Keep up the good work!
