Friday, July 23, 2010

Kitchen is done! well, mostly

Suppose this is the last of the blog - the kitchen is together (mostly!) and I have even cooked a few meals. Steve just left for a 5-day Rogue River rafting trip - well deserved after getting this kitchen together. He plumbed, electrified, sanded, and stained his way through all this. I am still not all the way moved into it, but see that in the near future. Now, you are all more than welcome to visit. Eugene is a pretty awesome place in the summer.


  1. please keep blogging...just remain your blog..I loved looking at and reading of what you all are up to..

    The kitchen really is lovely..kudos to both of you!!

  2. Yes, yes. Keep blogging. You've done such a GREAT job of bringing your whole journey to us! The kitchen is absolutely gorgeous. How about taking some pictures of the rest of the house?

  3. WOW you guys... it looks AMAZING!!! When Logan saw this, she burst out crying!! :-( We love and miss you all very much!!! XOXO Julie

  4. OK, we'll keep it up for all of you "far-flung family." I'll post photos soon of the rest of the house. Miss you all.
